New study room for Pécs medical students with sound absorbent furniture and cool designs

2024. 03. 06.

New study rooms await students on the third floor of the Medical School’s old main building. The décor design and the new furniture aligned with education environment allow students to immerse themselves in their studies comfortably.

The new study areas on the third floor of the old main building were constructed in October 2023, and they were already highly useful to students in the exam period. The new furniture and décor were added in the past few days. The main advantage of the new rooms able to host dozens of students is that they provide an opportunity to study together and help each other, all the while serving as a community forming power, as it was said at the handover in autumn.

“The north-facing rooms – that used to be labs of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy – have an advantage: they are always light, there is no bothersome direct sunlight and the windows facing the Mecsek provide a refreshing view” - said dr. Ákos Schreck, designer of MINUSPLUS, who are responsible for design and implementation.

The rooms were furnished with the furniture that arrived in summer 2023, therefore they have the unique, sound absorbent screens and workshop-desks that make learning more fun and delightful with their happy colours. The exiting, colourful, medical themed wall art was put up in February to ensure the continued presence of the light atmosphere in the rooms.

“We chose the layered wall graphics from the recommendations of Locus Cooperationis, the interior design handbook of the Pécs Medical School. A black anatomical drawing was placed on a colourful geometric base layer” – added dr. Ákos Shreck.

“The giant, almost three metres wide eye, brain, hand, and the colourful circles and triangles were plotter-cut from self-adhesive vinyl foil, and the individual parts were installed one by one.”

The procurement of the furniture in the rooms was done based on student initiative, the same as the new furniture in other parts of the faculty. The development head of the Pécs Medical School, Gábor Szabó said earlier: the study habits of students have changed, they spend more time on campus, because they can study in a calmer environment and immerse themselves better than they can at home or in their dormitories. Part of the new furniture arrived from a new procurement, another part was gifted to the Medical School by Janssen, the pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson.

Regarding the study areas on the third floor, Mr. Szabó has pointed out that such use of these spaces was initiated by dr. Miklós Nyitrai dean, in order to prevent the areas awaiting renovation from staying empty and unused.

He added that they are working on procuring more student furniture, details of which will be discussed with students. The decoration in the rooms could also appear in other parts of the campus if the faculty community likes it.

Thank to the development, students not only have more comfortable and colourful furniture, but entire new rooms where they can study in a calm environment and even help each other, and share activities.


Hanga Kovács

Dávid Verébi